Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Am I the only one?

I've got a problem but it's mostly a sweet problem.  The issue is, I'm obsessed with someone, and to be honest, this obsession often leaves me feeling good, like I have something extra to live for. However it's become apparent to me that my mind is playing tricks on me, there is an emptiness at the center of my feelings, I really don't understand the extent of them.  I  equate the path of my feelings to someone whose mind got seeded by something or other and he or she can't get the idea out of their head.  I imagine a 19 year old guy who sees some convertible of a special color at a used car lot and thinks about it day and night, night and day, thinking I've got to have this.  Eventually it becomes a practical purpose and he starts saving every dime until he can make it happen.  The seed with this woman, I don't know exactly when it was planted, I became familiar with her and at first I just thought she was attractive, then I started to relate to her, feel things she displayed she was feeling and then out of the blue, or so it feels, I was lovestruck.  Her appearance is only part of the attraction, in fact it's sort of the icing on the cake.  But I've never been motivated to love like this, I think about her, yearn for closeness to her 24/7 it seems.  I feel manipulated in a way, in that it's like the gods dropped her in front of me knowing this will be the one for him.  I am focused on her, she's given me no reason AT ALL to be but it's huge.  It feels serendipitous too.  Here's an example of that:  I've never spoke to her but I have a friend who is friends with her.  I said to this friend yesterday "sometimes she seems so strong but I often picture her as very sensitive as well."  Today I opened a fortune cookie after a chinese meal and it said this - Your emotional nature is strong and sensitive.  Coincidence?  I don't know, as I was writing this part just now on serendipity, somebody made a friend request on Facebook with the same first name as her.  I clicked it and it said Sorry, this request is no longer valid. 

I tried to stop loving her, succeeded for about a month or so, but had a full relapse, seems now I'm more involved than ever.  I will use my powers as Sun Boy to address this situation.

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I haven't posted for awhile.  No this does not mean I've come to adore my goddess any less.  I have no progress to report though.  S...